I prefer to have bright text on a dark background but by default pure data is black lines on a white background. To invert the canvas you can supply a ".tcl" theme file that specifies how to style the pure data canvas.
Create a theme file called "dark-canvas-plugin.tcl" and put it here: "~/Documents/Pd/external/" on Linux. This is a theme file for pure data to invert the canvas to have green cables on a dark background.
You can also manually add this to the startup from a custom location using the Pure Data menu.
namespace eval dark_canvas_theme { variable color_bg #000000 variable color_fg #a1ffa1 variable color_hl_bg #400000 variable color_hl_fg #c8c8c8 variable color_insert white variable color_sel #7760ff variable color_debug #00ff00 variable color_log_fatal_fg #ffe0e8 variable color_log_fatal_bg #d00 variable color_log_err #d00 variable color_log_normal $color_fg variable color_log_normal_sel_fg black variable color_log_debug #888888 variable color_log_verbose #686868 variable color_log_sel_bg $color_fg variable theme_name [option get . * TkTheme] proc is_black {color} { if {[lsearch {black #000 #000000} $color] >= 0} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc is_blue {color} { if {[lsearch {blue #00f #0000ff} $color] >= 0} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc is_offwhite {color} { if {$color eq "#fcfcfc"} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc color_canvas_item {canv item_type tags} { variable color_bg variable color_fg set tag [lindex $tags 0] catch { $canv itemconfigure $tag -outline $color_fg } if {[regexp {X[12]$} $tag]} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_bg } elseif {[lsearch {line text} $item_type] >= 0} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_fg } elseif {[lsearch $tags "x"] >= 0} { } elseif { [lsearch $tags "inlet"] >= 0 || [lsearch $tags "outlet"] >= 0 } { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_fg } elseif {[lsearch $tags "array"] >= 0} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_fg } elseif {[regexp {BASE\d*$} $tag]} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_bg } elseif {[regexp {BUT$} $tag] && $item_type eq "oval"} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_bg } elseif {[regexp {BUT0$} $tag] && $item_type eq "rectangle"} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_fg -outline $color_fg } elseif {[regexp {BUT\d+$} $tag] && $item_type eq "rectangle"} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_bg -outline $color_bg } } proc canvas_trace {cmd code result op} { variable color_bg variable color_fg variable color_sel if {$code != 0} { return } set canv [lindex $cmd 0] set canv_cmd [lindex $cmd 1] if {$canv_cmd eq "create"} { set tags_idx [lsearch $cmd -tags] if {$tags_idx >= 0} { incr tags_idx set tags [lindex $cmd $tags_idx] set tag [lindex $tags 0] set item_type [lindex $cmd 2] color_canvas_item $canv $item_type $tags } } elseif {$canv_cmd eq "itemconfigure"} { set tag [lindex $cmd 2] set fill_clr [$canv itemcget $tag -fill] set outline_clr "" catch { set outline_clr [$canv itemcget $tag -outline] } if {[is_black $fill_clr]} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_fg } elseif {[is_blue $fill_clr]} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_sel } elseif {[is_offwhite $fill_clr]} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -fill $color_bg } if {[is_black $outline_clr]} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -outline $color_fg } elseif {[is_blue $outline_clr]} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -outline $color_sel } elseif {[is_offwhite $outline_clr]} { $canv itemconfigure $tag -outline $color_bg } } } proc canvas_created {cmd code result op} { variable color_bg variable color_hl_fg variable color_hl_bg variable color_insert if {$code != 0} { return } set container [lindex $cmd 1] set canv [tkcanvas_name $container] $canv configure -background $color_bg $canv configure -selectforeground $color_hl_fg $canv configure -selectbackground $color_hl_bg $canv configure -insertbackground $color_insert trace add execution $canv leave [namespace code canvas_trace] } trace add execution ::pdtk_canvas_new leave [namespace code canvas_created] ::.pdwindow.text configure -background $color_bg ::.pdwindow.text configure -selectbackground $color_log_sel_bg ::.pdwindow.text.internal tag configure log0\ -foreground $color_log_fatal_fg\ -background $color_log_fatal_bg ::.pdwindow.text.internal tag configure log1\ -foreground $color_log_err ::.pdwindow.text.internal tag configure log2\ -foreground $color_log_normal\ -selectforeground $color_log_normal_sel_fg ::.pdwindow.text.internal tag configure log3\ -foreground $color_log_debug for {set i 4} {$i <= 24} {incr i} { ::.pdwindow.text.internal tag configure log$i\ -foreground $color_log_verbose } }